[biguhêre]- kill
[biguhêre]Dem | Form | |
Rader | to kill | |
Nihaya sade | ||
he, she, it | kills | |
Boriya sade | killed | |
Partîsîpa borî | killed | |
Partîsîpa niha | killing |
- kuştin
- Nimûneyekê lê zêde bike [ biguhêre ]
[biguhêre]- annihilate
- bag
- bereave of life
- blight
- bring down
- bury
- cack
- croak
- crush
- dash
- deactivate
- dead
- demolish
- destroy
- dispatch
- dispose of
- do in
- dust
- eliminate
- end
- eradicate
- exterminate
- finish
- finish off
- flatten
- lay waste to
- make a way with
- mortify
- neutralize
- obliterate
- off
- pay off
- pick off
- polish off
- punch someone's ticket
- put an end to
- put down
- put out of one's misery
- put six feet under
- put to sleep
- ravage
- rub out
- ruin
- scotch
- scupper
- scuttle
- send to eternity
- send to hell
- send to the grave
- send to the great beyond
- send to the next life
- slay
- slaughter
- smash
- smite
- snuff
- squash
- stiff
- terminate
- terminate with extreme prejudice
- top off
- top
- torpedo
- take care of
- take down
- take out
- waste
- wipe out
- wreck