[biguhêre]cautiousness (bi gelemperî nejimarbar, forma pirjimar cautiousnesses)
- biihtiyatbûn, bitedbîrbûn, bidîqetbûn
- This extreme cautiousness, which was, indeed, the most remarkable feature in his character, still made itself prominent after his elevation. — (Daniel Parish Kidder, The Lives of the Popes, 1853)
- Ev biihtiyatbûna wî ya ekstrem, ku bi rastî di karaktera wî de xisûsiyeta herî li pêş e, piştî bilindbûna wî hê jî berbiçav e.
- This extreme cautiousness, which was, indeed, the most remarkable feature in his character, still made itself prominent after his elevation. — (Daniel Parish Kidder, The Lives of the Popes, 1853)