be that as it may
[biguhêre]be that as it may
- (biwêjî) Di gel ku hal ev e jî, her çiqas hal wisa be jî, rast be an derew be, dîsa jî, tevî ... jî.
- 1858, Charles Dickens, Household Words, no 429 (12 June), p. 602:
- We English people, be that as it may, have among us the best nursing for love and the worst nursing for money that can be got in Europe.
- Em însanên îngilîz, digel ku hal ev e jî, xwediyê çavdêriya çêtirîn yê ji bo eşqê ne, û yê xirabtirîn yê ji bo pereyê ne ku dikare li Ewropayê bibe.
- We English people, be that as it may, have among us the best nursing for love and the worst nursing for money that can be got in Europe.
- 1953 May 24, "Mr Dulles Visits South Asia," New York Times, p. E10:
- It has frequently been asserted in the Indian press that the United States does not understand India's position. . . . Be that as it may, it is certainly true that some sectors of Indian opinion likewise do not adequately understand the motives of the United States.
- Ev yek di çapemeniya Hindistanê de gelek caran hatiye ziman ku Dewletên Yekbûyî pozîsyona Hindistanê fam nekiriye. . . . Herçiqas hal ev be jî, ev rastiyek e ku bi eynî şiklî hin qismên ji qenaeta Hindistanê jî meqsedên Dewletên Yekbûyî têra xwe fam nekirine.
- It has frequently been asserted in the Indian press that the United States does not understand India's position. . . . Be that as it may, it is certainly true that some sectors of Indian opinion likewise do not adequately understand the motives of the United States.
- 1858, Charles Dickens, Household Words, no 429 (12 June), p. 602:
[biguhêre]Binêre herwiha
[biguhêre]- be that as it may di Unabridged, v1.0.1 de, Lexico Publishing Group, 2006.