Kategorî:Biwêj bi îngilîzî
!Serkategorî » Hemû ziman » Îngilîzî » Rêziman » Biwêj
Komepeyvên îngilîzî yên ku li gel hev maneyekê taybet didin, ne maneya her yek ji wan peyvan.
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Di vê kategoriyê de 847 rûpel hene. Jêr 200 rûpel tên nîşandan.
rûpela berî vê ↔ rûpela pêş&
- a bad sailor
- a chip off the old block
- a dead dog
- a dime a dozen
- a drain on the resources
- a drink of water
- a drop in the bucket
- a dry speech
- a fast sailer
- a good distance off
- a good judge of horses
- a good sailer
- a good samaritan
- a heavy sailer
- a hot potato
- a job lot
- a joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones
- a judgment on one
- a kind of millionaire
- a little Hitler
- a penny saved is a penny earned
- a plea of duress
- a stitch in time saves nine
- a storm in a teacup
- a warm welcome
- a wellknit frame
- a word in one's ear
- about as useful as a chocolate teapot
- above water
- Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve
- adios
- all done up
- all my eye
- all my eye and Betty Martin
- all the same
- all the tea in China
- all the time
- all the world and his wife
- always look after number one
- and on it goes...
- and so forth
- ants in his pants
- apple of someone's eye
- argumentum ad hominem
- as common as dirt
- as like as not
- as much use as a chocolate fireguard
- as much use as a chocolate teapot
- at a disadvantage
- at death's door
- at ease
- at first
- at last
- at odds
- at one's disposal
- at the drop of a hat
- Attic salt
- auf Teufel komm raus
- avant la lettre
- avoid like the plague
- back in the day
- back in the saddle
- backpedal
- bad blood
- bag of bones
- bags under one's eye
- bald as a coot
- be called home
- be it as it may
- be no more
- be that as it may
- be up to your ears in something
- beat it
- beg to differ
- behind someone's back
- bent as a nine-bob note
- bereave of life
- better late than never
- better safe than sorry
- better the devil you know
- between the devil and the deep blue sea
- beyond dispute
- beyond doubt
- beyond one's ken
- bide one's time
- big as a barn
- big sleep
- bite off more than one can chew
- bite the big one
- bite the biscuit
- bite the dust
- black as a dog's guts
- black as coal
- black as night
- black as the ace of spades
- black as thunder
- black sheep
- bleed like a stuck pig
- blessing in disguise
- blind as a bat
- blind as a beetle
- blind as a mole
- blind as an owl
- blind date
- blow the whistle
- blow to whistle on
- blurt out
- bold as brass
- boo!
- bottle up
- brave as a lion
- breed like rabbits
- bright as a button
- brown as a berry
- burn a hole in one's pocket
- busy as a beaver
- busy as a bee
- butterfingers
- buttoned-up
- buy it
- buy the farm
- buzz off
- by the job
- call a spade a spade
- call it a day
- call it what you want
- call someone's bluff
- calm as a millpond
- Canadian as maple syrup
- cark it
- carrot and stick
- cash in one's chips
- catch a cold
- catch you later
- caught red-handed
- cheerio
- cheery-bye
- chip on one's shoulder
- chirpy as a cricket
- ciao
- clean as a hound's tooth
- clean as a new penny
- clean as a whistle
- clear as a bell
- clear as crystal
- clear as day
- clear as mud
- close as wax
- cold as a well-digger's arse
- cold as a witch's kiss
- cold as a witch's teat
- cold as a witch's tit
- cold as ice
- come down to earth
- come hell or high water
- come in handy
- come on
- come to the point
- come unstuck
- come what may
- comfortable as an old shoe
- common as muck
- common as pig tracks
- conk out
- contrary to the best usage
- cool as a cucumber
- couch potato
- cream of the crop
- crème de la crème
- criss-cross applesauce
- cross the Great Divide
- cross the Styx
- cross-purpose
- cruising for a bruising
- cry like a baby
- cry like a little girl
- CU
- curse like a pagan
- cut like a knife
- cute as a bug's ear
- cute as a button
- cute as a pin